Joe Klein: Not Accountable: An Issue No Democrat Wants to Talk About

There was a time, back at the turn of the 1990s, when Governor Mario Cuomo would call me at home to discuss policy issues. At length. Once, we “watched” an entire New York Knicks basketball game on the phone, talking presidential politics and his proposal for a 5-point shot from half-court. I enjoyed our jousting; he was a good man. Once he called me, more in sadness than in anger, because I hadn’t given him any credit for “increasing the budget for New York schools by 90%” over his several terms in office.

“You did that?” I said.

“I certainly did.”

“I’m so sorry,” I said.

“SORRY?” Cuomo did have a bit of a temper. “Why?”

“Because the schools still suck.”

Read the full article here.

Essays & ReportsAndrew Park